Material Health
High performance design starts with healthy materials
The average American has a Body Burden; an accumulation of toxic compounds found in our body at any time. Hundreds of these compounds come from chemicals found in common building products and finishes. Today many alternatives exist for materials that reduce or eliminate the use of these chemicals. those involved with the selection of materials have an opportunity to make better choices.
LeapStep has experience with …..
How We Help
Support design teams on building projects to establish criteria, assess and recommend options for materials
Create standalone material health standards and guidelines for consistent use across design and building portfolios
Update existing design standards and master specification documents to incorporate material health criteria
Conduct material health training and education to empower others in the selection of healthy materials
Assist in developing screening processes for design firms + organizations to guide material selection
Provide tools and resources to track material health performance on both individual projects and across building portfolios
Knowledge Leadership
Select Interviews + Features
parsons, Healthier Materials & Sustainable Buildings Online Certificate Program, 2019
Architectural products magazine, 2015
architect magazine R+D Awards, 2018
Precautionary List, a User-Friendly Guide, Firm Team, 2016
Select Speaking Engagements
Designers + Builders Alliance, 2019
bizngo chemical footprint conference, 2015
new york school of interior design, 2018
Sally Green Lecture Series: We Are What We Build