Consulting Services
Project Planning / Team Selection Support
Project goal-setting and incorporation of sustainability requirements into Owner solicitation documents and project team processes.
Advisory Services
Professional guidance for experienced design teams that wish to manage and coordinate the green building process internally; initial construction team training with ongoing peer review and support for contractor responsibilities.
Concept Design Assistance
Studies and concept design guidance for early project site and building selection and design decision-making.
Tenant Design and Furniture Selection Guidelines
Development of sustainable design and furniture selection guidelines for tenant fit-out of new and existing facilities.
Design Guidelines
Project Planning / Team Selection Support
Advisory Services
Budget Development and Review
Concept Design Assistance
Value Engineering Support
Identify potential sustainability and energy reduction strategies
Develop architectural MEP considerations for building system strategies
HVAC System optimization
Life Cycle Cost Analysis and ROI
Energy Modeling
Carbon Emissions Modeling
Material Health Assessments
CFD Analysis
Daylighting and Glare Analysis
Energy Performance Commissioning